Wednesday, November 11, 2009

a bad sleeping habit?

yeah.. u read the title, a bad sleeping habit.
i dont think i posted bout this one before.

I have a problem. Never had this one before. But yes I have a problem. and i got it after i entered UM.

not much. but still. I have to admit that i really dont take a nap. or should i say i never sleep during the day. especially evening . except when travelling ofcourse. who doesnt.

As soon as i've been admitted to University of Malaya, i begin to make new friends, roomate, floormates, tutorial mates, lecture mates or whatever you want to call it. and I have chemistry with them. chemistry. similarities.the same interest. think about the same think. as i said . Chemistry.

but there's one thing that i cant join them during the early weeks. NAP.
not that i dont take a nap at all. I do . only if i am really tired.

At first, we dont have any labs during evening. And I used that time to hang around. going up and down to my friends' room . but sadly , most of the door i knocked gave me no answer. they're asleep. entered thir own dreamworld and having a sweetdreams of their own.
Hence, I end up with the books. haha.. of course its a good thing to study right?
but i dont have the mood much during evening.
the evening atmosphere just make me in the hyper mood instead of studying. so i spent my time with my lappy

anyway.. as time goes by, i tend to somehow infected with this disease. Thanks to my roomie i guess. Watching her sleeping makes me want to enter my dreamland too. and I will ACCIDENTLY asleep.
Sleeping is contagious. VERY contagious.

the fact that i dont sleep during the afternoon of evening is because this will lead me to accidently sleep early at night. YES. instead of staying up, i went to bed early . I dont know why.
Perhaps I'm a freak? Having a completely weird body system. this will also happen if i take caffein .

Oh yeah . other than goint to bed earlier than I am suppose to, when I wake up from the nap?
I'll go whack! and i'll lost track of time .
one f the situation was i woke up and became gelabah yang amat
i didnt look at my handphones because both of it were out of my reach.
so i looked at my clock. clearly, my vision was blurred. without my glasses or contacts, im nearly blind.
not that i cant tell the time. i still can see the hands of the clock were at which number. but that particular day , i was mistaken by the hours and the minutes. and woke up, like this

" what time is it? oh.. its 8.20am....8.20!!!!! OMG. EXAM STARTS AT 9!!!!!"
yes. this happened during the final exam week. then, i tried to wake my roomate syira . i thought about it, not only i didnt take my shower yet, i also didnt iron my clothes, and it will take few mins to be at the examination hall from the college.

i screamed at her. asking to be awake but hopeless. She gave me no response. this is one of our similarities as roomates. BTW, she was my classmate when we're in primary school.
oh yea. no response. the similarity? i find it difficult to wake her up in the evening but easy to wake her in the morning. and she finds it difficult . really DIFFICULT to wake me up if i slept early at night .

we shall continue. screaming at her asking to be awake. but no response. and it took me seconds to realize that it wasnt 8.20 am but it was 3.40pm. Thanks to Syira because she wore baju kurung while had a nap. I finally realized. I felt relief and haha.. back to sleep.

It happens so many time. I always mistaken the time . everytime i wake up , my head will think about morning. and this is why i dont take naps.

i admit. i do wake up late sometimes. but . paling lambat it would be 11. but not after 12pm.

other than that, if i went to bed early at night, and ask my friend to wake me up.
no one can do so.
NO ONE . they can try, but so far. only 1 person succeed and made me awake.
Su, the tentacles.

i remember my neighbour Zadora went into my room with hanger . trying to fright me . haha. no use. i only said "yes2, i will"

and Mai once went into the room and screamed out my name out loud " MELLY!! BANGUN!"
and all i said was " what?" and she said sorry and went out of the room. sometimes, i cant even recall if i said something or if my friends had wake me up. I'll tend to ask them why didnt they wake me up. and they said
" mcm gile je aku ckp sorang2, kau bangun. buka mata, then baring balik"

Syira said Azema told her I claimed my handphone to be Syira's when it rang the time I was asleep. funny that i dont remmber at all.

Syira and me have the same Nokia 5300. and both of us have two phones too.
" melly, bangun .tu handphone kau yang berbunyi kan?"
" tak2, to handphone Syira" i said.
it was clearly mine. and it was beside my pillow.
" eh? tak la.. tu kau punye kan.."
Syira was not in the room . and azema came to take something. and
i said " tak.... Syira punye. "

haha.. silly me. they always laugh when i talking when im asleep.

during the exams i accidently asleep while studying. Syira tried to wake me up. but she said , i said " tak nak.. tau tak bosan? bosan2. and i am tired of this. bukan masuk pun...." and i continue mumbling again2 unconciously.

haha.. anyway. i am not the only one who sleeptalking. my roomie and neighbour talks in their sleep too. haha.. funny. but i dont have to tell about it here.

this is serious problem. hahaha. and i really hope it will end.

that's all now.

ps: im sorry sbb sukar utk dikejut. and tq. =)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


honestly.. i dont know if i have a suitable title for this one .. but .. whatever.
Nowadays, I realise that there's something that really irritates me.
some text using all the funny spelling words
for example if it is supposed to be 'dekat' , i can still accept 'kat' but 'kart' ???
why do they have to put kart? its irrational. kart if something to ride on. and the meaning is so not the same

well , that's not the only thing here. i find it difficult to text most of my friends since i entered UM.
the problems appear everytime my friends texted me in Malay. not all. only some.

i am totally couldnt understand the Terengganu's and the Kelantanese language..? slang? which ever u call it..
probably its my fault for not trying to understand.. or just for being ignorant and not try to learn it?
but hey.. i dont live there... so when exactly can i learn?
plus, my friends tend to laugh at me when i speak. laughing hysterically ,i should say.sigh.

whateve. haha.. and sometimes. my friends who texted me hd to resend their message to me again, trying to explain
what exactly they're trying to say. it could be easier if you dont use those funny spellings anyway right?

i just hope they can spell wisely. even though it is fun???
i dont know..
yea.. i just hope so.
till then .

Friday, October 30, 2009

and then she called me 'DUT'

for a girl who doesnt like to do her own laundry, i usually ask my parents to pick it up, or i'll take it home with me.. hehe.. i'll say i am more confident my my washing machine at home..
oh . yeah . i tend to use a lot of pants...and most of the pants gone " berbulu" which i really hate..
so.. i ask my Mama to make a couple pair of pants for me..thank goodness mama is the best in sewing clothes.
which one of it has a very striking colour
so i use it anyway.apart of the pants makes me being at the centre of the attention, it is seriously comfortable.

so, the first day i wore it at kk12, i went out of my room to study outside near the lift where the place is very calm and serene..
and then.. i saw Jem sitting at the bench.. and she said
" EH MELLY!!! aku ingat badut mane la tadi...sluar polkadot cam badut. haha"

and then... she called me dut .. huhu

Saturday, September 5, 2009


i just finished my mid sem exam and it was ...... well... just wait and see apa yg tercatat di atas kertas keputusan nnt..
yesterday i went out with fanah, kamal, bani dan 3 more farhanah's friends...

it was fun! with all the jokes by the two clowns or so called "entertainers" .. it was hilarious. thanks Bani and Kamal.
the journey from UM to Sunway Pyramid was fun.. hahaha.. conversation yg agak pelik? and also from Sunway to Putrajaya.. but yeah... what was said in the car , stays in the car.. right boys?

=) tq fanah for the invitation. hehe hot chick!!! lol

Friday, June 5, 2009

wah.. now aku di rumah!

sudah 2 minggu lamanya aku bergelar warga Kolej Kediaman ke-12, Kolej Kediaman Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah. dan 2 minggu juga aku bergelar sbg pelajar PASUM.

aku tak berkesempatan nak blogging. sibuk agaknya. aku tak bawa laptop ke UM.

bak kata ayahanda Prof. Sahar, ke pakcik Zaki..? kata mereka kolej 12 antara kolej yang terkenal di UM.

bukan sahaja kerana lokasi yang strategik, atau kerana kolej ini merupakan kolej yang paling cantik pemndangannya, atau kerana kolej ini penghuni hanya 2 org sebilik, atau kerana boleh memuatkan lebih kurang 2000 orang , iaitu paling ramai jika dibandingkan dengan 11 kolej yang lain.

tetapi , kerana kolej ke-12 merupakan kolej yang ada makhluk berambut hitam dan berambut panjang yang suke menyelup ke bilik-bilik mahasiswa mahupun mahasiswi untuk meragut harta-harta tersayang. byk pencuri la . lokasi yang strategik menyebabkan ramai orang luar, sama ada pelajar faculty atau orang luar btul2 boleh masuk n curi!

sbb itu la aku masih kurang berani untuk bawa laptopku ke kampus.


oh .. hari pendaftaran Um berjalan lancar. mungkin kerana aku tiba awal di kaunter pendaftaran.

mana tak nya. tak buka lagi da sampai. haha. jap. dah malas ckp bahasa yg btul.. short of time ouh. biarla..
so ... disebabkan hari tu skema sgt nk pg awal2... result; bilik tingkat atas sekali tgkt 9.. bagus tol.
nasib baik view lawa.
view: boys' block, tasik, n view of kl at night... ok laaa... with all the lights.. hahaha.. should i state here that at night i can see boys jalan2 and what they do in their rooms? ada yg solat semua la nmpk .
once, i saw seorang lelaki bertuala oren.. and... die cabut towel kat bilik!!! sengal x tutup pintu..
nasib die pakai seluar... hahahhaha =P
orentation week mmg hectic.. with all the activities.. it was fun . with all the PP's help.. aaahhhhh.. i miss pp anis. hahaha.. handsome. sweet . n x panggil kami lembik!!!
siot je.. hahahhahahaa...
with all the subs and kena nyanyi lagu kolej n lagu UM every day!!!! smpai sakit tekak n tak ada suara...
end up demam.. hahaha.. terkejut..
because i hve to climb all the stairs till 9th floor sbb ramai budak gedik yg tgkat 1-4 pun nk pkai lift. baka! susah sgt ke nk naik tangga?
oh.. then start kuliah.. lg lah.. our so called ayahanda; subject - algebra... kena salin byk gila yg amat. pastu dah la cepat. tulisan sah2 cam doctor. then he likes to bg lawak .. yg.. censored?? urgh...
and mr walftor.. kena rushing salin2.. and tgk2 hbis half an hour earlier.. susah sgt ke nk bg kami salin? da la lmbt nk bg handout. haihhh....
ade yg ckp monotone..
ape laa...
starting next week..every single day , class will end at 5pm. with tutorials, lectures, labs, aiyaiyai...
oh oh.. and there's one boy.. hahhahahahaha.. nvm la...
did i say that my roomate is my ex-primary schoolmate?
coincidence. lined-up together to register.. and poof! roomies!!!
we dont even know that we can choose our roomates. haha.. biarla...
all i can say is..
food here ; x sdap sgt
and tension because i see all the people are tense studying. aiyaa...
amalina is considered as dull n stupid gak la kot here..... huhuhu of all 1400+++ with all the straight a's / a1's students.. aiyaiyai...
k la. later.

Friday, May 22, 2009

bandar anggerik.


Apakah nama bandar yang digelar bandar anggerik????

-Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Ya kah? Menagapa digelar bandar anggerik??


why people ? why??

banyak sangat ke anggerik-anggerik di shah alam???

aku lihat yang ada pun.. semuanya ditanam oleh pihak berkuasa.

dan ada yang nyawa-nyawa ikan lagi.sedih aku tengok.

sememangnya anggerik bukan senang dijaga kan?tp mengapa shah alam bandar anggerik?

aku nampak banyak bunga kertas.

kenapa tidak dinamakan " Shah Alam Bandar Kertas" ?

err.. tu bunyinya pelik.. or should i say Shah Alam Bandar Bougainvilla???

that does sounds better kan? or jejarum? lily? paku pakis ke? tanduk rusa ke?

those pokok lagi byk kan?

mengapa harus anggerik??

haihh.. persoalan ni juga yang muncul dlm kepala.

mungkin menteri besar yang dahulu kala suka anggerik? atau rumahnya byk pokok anggerik?

jika anda tau.. tlg la beritahu saya ya..


bertahun-tahun lama nya aku tinggal di Shah Alam. dan aku masih ke sana on regular basis . setiap minggu.

jarang kulihat anggerik.atau aku salah lalu jalankah?

Shah Alam besar tempatnya..

yg sec. 1-24++++ , sec u1++++ , x ke besar?

jika ada jalan2 yg sememangnya anggerik belaka . tolong la bgtau saya ya.


inginku puaskan hatiku yang banyak tanda tanya. sejak tu kecil lagi kupelik..
bandar anggerik. Dan tidak banyak anggerik pun.

Lagi-lagi, ada pula satu mall yang dinamakan sempena Anggerik iaitu Anggerik Mall yang dibina oleh pihak MARA.

mengapa ya? hmm

oh. aku juga pelik.Sebagai ibu negeri Selangor, Shah Alam agak tidak happy.incomplete.

pertama-tama, sebagai satu kawasan yang mempunyai populasi penduduk yang padat, kenapa masih tidak ada hospital kerajaan yang dibina?

ofcourse la ade hospital di shah alam tu. KPJ, DEMC...tapi itu dikira medical centre. Apakah muat untuk menampung pesakit-pesakit yang ramai itu?

ada segelintir yang pergi ke demc dan kpj. segelintir. dan apa akan terjadi kepada mereka yang tidak mampu??

ke hospital tengku ampuan rahimah la jwabnya?
dan hal ini akan menyebabkan hospital itu mampat dan padat dengan orang?

dan pesakit-pesakit ini juga akan terpaksa ke mana? hosp. selayang? serdang? putrajaya?
tidak ke jauh?

jika seorang pesakit dalam ambulan itu dalam keadaan kritikal?

they have to be strong for the whole 40mins as they travel in the ambulance.jauh. kasihan paramedik-paramedik yang menolong pesakit juga.

jika ada kecemasan di shah alam seperti kecelakaan jalan raya. tidakkah payah?

aku masih ingat lagi kemalangan yang telah berlaku di shah alam lebih kurang 2-3 minggu yang lalu.
Malam. aku serta Mama and Papa mahu pulang ke rumah setelah ke rumah kakakku di Shah Alam.
Di lorong berdekatan stesen KTM Shah Alam, seksyen 18,telah berlaku kemalangan motorsikal. Seorang mangsa tercedera. Malangnya, penglihatanku agak kabur. cermin mataku patah dan yang baru tidak siap lagi . rabunlah jawabnya.

Papa berhentikan kereta di tepi jalan dan pergi bantu apa yang boleh.
aku dn Mama tidak turun.mangsa tersebut berada di tengah-tengah jalan. and yet... tidak amai yang berhenti untuk membantu.Kasihan kulihat mangsa tersebut. Orang yang pergi membantu tidaklah ramai.

lebih kurang 5 minit kemudian baru ramai orang yang keluar dari rumah untuk membantu. ingin dialihkan mangsa , tidak boleh.kerana tiada doktor di tempat kejadian. takut jika dialih, akan menyebabkan keretakan atau kecederaan yang lebih teruk lagi.

lebih kurang 30minit menunggu. namun masih tidak kedengaran bunyi siren . inilah akibatnya. tiada hospital di Shah Alam. beberapa minit kemudian. papa masuk ke dalam kereta untuk meneruskan perjalanan pulang ke rumah. sudah hmpir midnight.

kesian mangsa tersbut. kata papa, dada dihimpit motor dengan teruk. dan apabila telefon orang tua mangsa, mereka tinggal di terengganu.
kelihatan muda lagi orangnya. pasti masih belajar.kegelisahan, kerisauan, panik, pasti begitu perasaan org tua mangsa.

oh ye. lupa. motor langgar motor dari arah yang bertentangan.

kesalahan: makan jalan.

oleh itu, ikut lorong yang betul . anda boleh mengubahnya.

tu baru cerita pasal hospital.

ini. shopping mall. sebagai penghormatan kepada almarhum sultan SAAS yang bertitah agar tidak ada panggung wayang di kawasan Shah Alam, jadi aku mengerti. tidak kisah pun sebenarnya.

tetapi shopping mall nya kecik bangat.
tidak puas berjalan. SACC, Shah Alam Mall,PAS. kedai limited sungguh. tidak ke sedih?


mengapa bandar anggerik?

till then . later~

Thursday, May 21, 2009


yesterday and the day before that were very tiring.
i end up on bed all day. except yesterday.. i was a little bit unwell around morning i think.

tidak sihat. lost track of time.

yes. sangat menyakitkan. its all start with a heartburn.

i went to klinik kesihatan putrajaya on the 18th of May to do my medical check up.

its 2 pm ++.. doctor tu sungguh lambat. baru lunch kan.then, she went in. tunggu 2-3 orang msuk. and then , after hassan it's my turn.. went in. all check ups completed. i asked a few questions about heartburn.

done my research before. so i told her bout the pain in my chest. and yes indeed it was a heartburn.
heartburn it not a heart disease though. you can google it.

its something to do woth our digetive system or so. something related to gastrisitis. Hence, she gave me the medicine for the pain. its the same meds as gastrisitis' . called magnesium trisilicate.

urgh..!!! its liquid!!!!!
honestly. i can never stand any liquid medicine. i prefer tablets. why doctor why??

not that im a baby and cannot swallow tablets or pills. I am a big girl now.

so wtv. after all the check ups finished and settled. i went home.

oh yes!! poor syakila!!!her x-rays showed that her back bone around the something vertebrae.. sumthing.. ( damn it. i cant remember the name.. haha.. lupa de. nasib la.i gave up about knowing things since my bio is b[psychological effect])

and yes.. her bone.. in length of a fist. bengkok!

The doctor said that she needs to go for a surgery before things get even worse.
poor sya.


so. went to bank islam to settle my bank accounts etc. blablabla. went home and eat.

felt the mild heartburn. so i drank the mg trisilicate. and it felt better!

and it doesnt taste too bad. hooray hooray!!


the next day. grrr.. awww..



Never.. NEVER in my whole 17 and half years of life ever... never had gastrisitis or so called gastric.. NEVER!

all day i stayed in bed. ok i lied. half of the day?
later i went to shah alam. thinking that i am strong enough o deal with this little tummyache.
sure i managed to stand and walk to the car.

had lunch. drank some mg trisilicate some more. and no pain.

went to my sister's house.

then a little rest .and after zohor prayers. planned to go to sacc or alam sentral or even pkns perhaps. want to find some things .

and it started again!!!

its very painful! as i said i never had a gastrisitis before!

and then.. went to bathroom.. awww...

dah.. penat-penat mengunyah and dipaksa makan lunch , habis sia-sia sahaja.. kerana semua keluar balik tanpa nutrien-nutriennya diserap.

vomitted. ewwwww

aaaa. sungguh tak larat.
hampeh sungguh.. penat dan hancur plan2 ku semua kerana tidak kularat untuk berjalan.

19 may- hari baringku. hari penatku. hari tanpa energy. kerana tubuhku tidak dapat terima semua makanan yg masuk. semua di reject. termasuk la air sirap.. penat je bancuh.

20 may- ok sikit. felt a lot better. still a little pain in my tummy . but i can walk atleast . went to alamanda to find all the sabun and stuffs.

i wont eat/ drink the magnesium trisilicate again.. neverrrrr

today. went to school to certified all my documents before send to UM. then tabung haji called.
that Mr. Asman asked for a copy of my SPM result. he said i'll be getting something .hehe. so off to Anjung and gave it to him.

then off to shah alam .
driving a car with road tax yg da mati . cool huh?
bagus mama bagus!
desperate! haha

tak perasan pun da mati sebenarnya. pnh sekali, road tax tu.. da berbulan mati lame nya.. baru prasan.

and yet merata da kereta tu jalan..hahaha

oh yes. off to shah alam. went to sacc, and pejabat hasil dlam plaza peransang, went to komplex pkns and settled!!!

bought our old time fav goreng pisang and went to my sis's house to watch aqso and madina b4 balik rumah...

i miss shah alam soo much??

but i like putrajaya's environment. huhu

oh. had to go to the optho again.. spect jatuh!!! huhu...

poor spect yg tersayang ngapa kah?

i tought i saw one of fana's friend at sacc.fauliyana i think.or tersalah tgk? time tu nk cpt x beberapa perasan pun nvm then..

tick tock.. bape hari je tgl. huhuhuu..

that's all..


Sunday, May 17, 2009

langkah ke pasum

kuingin menulis blog ini dalam bahasa ibundaku. setelah sekian lama meninggalkan zaman persekolahanku, inginku gilap kembali penulisanku dalam bahasa Melayu/Malaysia.
hari ini merupakan hari ahad yang kedua terakhir aku berada di rumah sebelum aku jejak ke universiti.
Tiba-tiba aku teringat kata-kata kawan baikku, Nadhirah
"eh eh, Mell, kau nak tau tak?? Nasib baik seyh kita tak pergi KMM (kolej matrikulasi melaka) tu.
kawan aku cakap tempat tu mmg agak buruk sebab dah lama. Melaka antara matrik yg awal gak la. Nasib baik seyh tak pergi"
lalu aku pun balas
"Nad...apakah kau tak sedar apa yang kau cakap dengan aku. Kalau mau dibandingkan, Matrik Melaka dengan UM mana lg lama?
Muka Nadhirah yang riang tadi tiba-tiba jadi statik dan terpegun sebentar. agaknya dia teringat akan situasi yang bakal kuhadapi. Kemudian dia tersenyum.
" we're not talking about the first Matriculation center here.WE are talking about the first university in Malaysia!!!"
aku tegaskan suaraku ketika menyebut " the first university in Malaysia". Bukan aku sahaja yang menyebutnya. Nad juga turut bersama-sama berkata demikian dengan serentak seolah-olah dia seorang yg psikik yang boleh membaca minda aku.
Aku kenal Nadhirah sejak aku Tingkatan 1 kerana aku merupakan rakan sekelasnya.Walau bagaimanapun, hubungan kami bertambah erat dan erat lagi bila menjelang akhir tingkatan 2. Dan semakin erat semasa kami tingkatan 3.
Nad atau lebih dikenali sebagai Naddy oleh kamal =)) merupakan rakan baikku yang aku percaya.
dia tidak mungkin buatku terluka. Naddy juga merupakan diari bergerakku kerana aku sering beromong semua masalahku kepadanya.Diariku ini sangat istemewa. Bukan sahaja boleh aku bercerita tanpa menulis atau menaip. malah. ada respon lagi. " instant" =))
ya.. instant diary.
oh ya.. selepas itu, kami berketawa. riang gembira di waktu petang .dengan tiupan angin yang sepoi-sepoi bahasa, kami berketawa kerana konversasinya sangat lucu.Nadhirah suka kenakan aku dengan soalan-soalan yang tidak sepatutnya.
Apakah patut die tanya aku ni suka Kamal?
adoi...tidak patut sungguh.
Destinasiku seterusnya : Kolej Raja Dr. Nazrin,Universiti Malaya
Pusat Asasi Sains . atau lebih dikenali sebagai PASUM.
Menurut abangku serta sumber-sumber yang boleh diperayai.
PASUM merupakan asasi yang paling best. harap-harap semuanya akan berjalan lancar.
Apakan daya. aku hanya mampu ke UM.aku bersyukur ke hadrat Allah kerana jawab doaku.
"jika ke upu aku mau pasum." itulah kata-kata yang sering didengari ibuku sejak abangku ke pasum. kini, doaku makbul.
aku tidaklah sehebat rakan-rakanku yang lain. aku tidak dapat keputusan yang gemilang, straigt a's. oh tidak. Oleh itu, aku tidak layak untuk masuk ke program ijazah luar negara tajaan mara, jpa dan sbg. rakan-rakanku yang ke asrama dulu, kebanyakkannya akan berangkat insyaAllah setelah tamat pengajian pra-universiti program di Malaysia seperti foundation, International Baccalaurate, Cambridge A-level, American Degree Programme, atau Australian Matriculation.
Semuanya mahu menjadi doktor belaka. semoga impianmu tercapai wahai rakan-rakanku.Amiin.
25hb Mei. tidak sabar rasanya. aku akan bergelar sebagai pelajar universiti. wah.
tidak seperti rakan-rakanku yang akan berangkat ke uia atau uitm , mereka ada ramai teman yang mengambil jurusan yang sama di tempat pengajian mereka. dan aku???
aku ada kamal. yang telah memilih matrik n9 .
sedih hatiku mendengarnya. ( bukan aku ada apa-apa ya)
sedih kerana aku tidak mempunyai rakan yang sama jurusannya. iaitu : asasi sains fizikal
dua rakan sekolah rendahku sahira dan intan akan mengambil jurusan asasi sains hayat. manakala alia, rakanku dulu mengambil jurusan asasi alam bina.
memang benar kami akan berada di klej yang sama iaitu kolej 12. tetapi. tidakkah bagus jika ada seorang teman yang kita kenal??
apakan daya. aku telah ditakdirkan untuk meluaskan jaringan kenalanku nanti.
" start of something new"
mesti seronok apabila dapat kenalan baru. rakan-rakan pasum ku.
tidak sabar rasanya!!
aku nanti akan belajar subjek utama : fizik, kimia, sains komputer serta matematik.
takut rasanya. kerana sejak memerah otak menjawab soalan SPM, seolah-olah semua yang aku pelajari telah aku tinggalkan di dewan peperiksaan. sejak 27 november, aku tidak menyentuh buku-buku ulangkajiku.
ada yang sentuhkah? mungkin ada. tetapi bukan aku. sejak itu. otakku makin berhabuk dan berkarat.
terima kasih kuucapkan kepada Shobana kerana telah mengajakku untuk bekerja di KUMON.
sebagai seorang assistant instructor. sekurag-kurangnya, aku tidak berkarat dalam bab matematik .
melihat nombor-nombor yang ditulis oleh kanak-kanak comel dan riang itu 4 hari seminggu selama 3 bulan membuatkan aku kurang karatnya. hehe.. nasib baik =)
gelagat riang kanak-kanak yang berumur 5tahun sehingga yang umurnya 16tahun sungguh menggelikan hati.
masih kedengaran suara-suara comel mereka di telingaku.
"teacher,teacher, where's my mommy? " - Keshwin, 5
" kak amalina, goodluck k nanti" -ariff radzuan, 11.
kalau aku senaraikan semuanya , pasti penat aku menaip . kerana lebih kurang 190 pelajar yang seringku layan. bukan sahaja pelajar Malaysia. Malah dari luar negara pun ada.Indonesia? Jerman?Australia? Netherland? Semua ada. comel, cantik, tampan juga mereka.. hahaha..
alangkah rindunya~~..
wah. aku penat bercerita dalam bahasa ibunda. penat menaip.
sampai sini saja hikayatku pada hari ini.
akanku tulis lagi nnt.

Friday, March 20, 2009


wah.. lama sungguh saya x tulis blog ni..

lets recap
12/2-jpj...i passed yay

20/2-dpt my P license.

23/2- ditahan polis.. lol..the 3rd day after i got my license.. great.. x disaman.. nasib baik.. kalau x.. aiyo..melayang lesen aku.
reason ditahan.. unexceptable..bukan nye ade sign x leh u-turn pun..siot nye polis

aliff said "u're the only one yg pnh kene thn.. "

greatttt ..

28/2- a little gathering.. it went well.. it was merry . but it would be merrier if ramai yg dtg..

8-11 march- cuti2 malaysia..
serius.. a little break before getting the spm result i guess.. haha.. went to langkawi and stop all the way there..

12 march- THE BIG DAY
went to school around 9.45am... and .. received it around 11??
i was the 1st person to take it.
and it was...........
exceptable result.. ok la. alhamdulillah.. obviously i ddnt get 20a's haha.. im not that genius.
i guess it was ok...

not that i want to show off kebnde ke.. but i was glad that i got even better result than certain yg skola asrama..

but.. still.. i deserve it.. i was very playful anyway.. tgk tv sentiasa .. x hbiskn homework.. hahaha.. sorry teachers..

pape pun.. ok laa.. ^^ not straight but good enough i think.

next step. college..
serius pning.. aaaaa
i dont know!!!!

most of people said: amikla medic. kau nk ambil engineering or something else? aku x leh byg....
mama said: jgn ambil law. med nk ke? but..ikut suka la..
papa said: amik engineering.

im dead..
i think i'll follow sho to commit suicide.. jom sho.. kite terjun ..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the almost accident?

i went to metro at subang or i should really say it situated at shah alam.. nvm la..

something happened when we're on our way there..
a kancil... penuh dgn students..
the man who drove us there wasnt the usual instructor...

i was sitting at the front passenger seat..bosan la.. 40mins dlm kereta.. so i was reading abook...
then boleh rasa la kereta cm lost control.. so tgk la.. serious!!!
almost hit the divider and other cars...
giler ke ape.. ofcoz la boleh lost control!!!
serious i was stunted and tergamam n speechless.. sume org cm tu.. but the man said.. oh tayar x cukup angin..

sume craps je.. my usual instructor, i called him abg azli..he doesnt seem that old.. so abg ar..
dia ckp.. mane ade x ckup angin..
so when we're training , me and this guy , hazwan from mmu ckp about the accident..
(btw we both nk amik jpj 2nd time tomorrow)

so i told abg azli "abg.. saya balik ngan abg la eh.. boleh eh.. please....??td.. trauma.. "

i said it along with a little puppy dog eyes.. haha..

so he said ok..

that hazwan pun ckp. "pakcik tu bawak same je mcm azizul( azli's bro) "lambat" gila.. mcm nk bunuh org.."
"saya td rasa takut je tau.. sume kluar.. saya x kawin lg.. jpj pun x pass lg......"

seriously. i thought i would be dead by now..
but then.. alhamdulillah la.. x de sape tercedera

u hve no idea how scared i am.. .
nearly dead.. thinking bout im not hving a chance to taubat and etc if im dead today..

but alhamdulillah.. kami diberi peluang..

so.. tomorrow im having my 2nd jpj.. going to wait for abg azli at 7.30pm..
i bet he'll be late.. haha..but nvm la..

syaheenaz did a cross-stitch ..just for me.. a special one hehehe...

die buat gmbr P.. the lmbg.. at first i tot its a bit funny .. it's so sweet of her!!!
nk tgkap gmbr but cant find my camera and n hp bengong.. sigh..
so hopefully i'll be getting a good jpj yg baik!!!
and let me pass... amin..

that's all for now..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

bloody jpj

i had my jpj today.. and what do u know...

muahaha.. i didnt not failed!!
haha.. n its not at because of the bloody hill which had killed a lot of people's heart ...
n its not because of i ran into those tiang2 and palang2...
and also .. not because of the car moved more than 3 gerakan at 3 -pointers...

and y is it???

its because of the unfriendly jpj....didnt really perasan yg aku dah check side mirrors n cermin dpan!!!!!
cam siot je!!! didnt u even notice i did that????

and also bcause of those children running on the streets... and she sort of blame me or sumthing...

and.... she said something about my stering... and then... end...

it was she... yes.. she.. the unfriendly-she jpj..

it wasnt make any sense!!!!

i think i would accept my failure calmly if i messed up at the hill ....coz most of them did..

and oh yeah.. serius ramai giler fail..
which makes me one of them...


nvm. i'll me getting it soon anyway.. anyway i'll be celebrating my test result tomorrow..
im going to mid and gardens with ish and rain..
celebrating my results bhg 2.. haha..
oh and my new job at kumOn!!!!!

haha... i love it there... atleast something to cheer me up after all...
some kids called me teacher!!
haha cam kelakar je.. teacher??

at least some junior at school called me tutor..

and some of them so sweet.. sampai salam lg..wah.. my 1st day, 1st job... best!

my brain may be a lil rusty... it has been a while since i did my last maths practise.

i guess i have start some of them now...

i didnt manage to take some pictures withs kids.. maybe later..
it was a great job.. not very tiring...unlike mcd or etc.. and the salary is ok too..


wtver it is.. i hope i would be a good "teacher"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

roller coasters

oh... yup it wasnt a good dare though.. they went to alam.. not even with baju kurung..
i didnt follow them..malas.. and my driving instrutor asked me to bertapa di rumah as tomorrow is my jpj test!!! gaah!!! i really hope i'll pass... amin

yesterday was my last driving class astomorrow will be my jpj..
honestly.. it was the best ever!!
it was from 9am- 6pm.. very tiring...but it was fun!!!
after that i went to the lake club to clear my mind .. swimming.. =)

the last class was.. welll like a roller coasters.
i dont want to say that my driving is totally good or wtver la kan.. cause it's not.. but i dont think i suck too.. i mean.. it's ok.. all my driving buddy said its ok..

boleh pass nyer...
that's what they said la..

1st... we drive thru the jalan 3.. hanisah 1st then me..
there were my new buddies named Alina who lives at p10 and Daniel from p9..
we talked a lot.. haha.. in the morning.. we're very quiet and shy.. after i nearly gave everyone a heart attack...

haha.. it was at the hill. i guess i was distracted.. haha.. whatever i did ... it made thecar jumped and drove backward..

seriously everyone in the car screamed!! like riding on the roller coasters.. and then we laughed out loud..hehe

i never .. never suck at the hill before..
haha .. x kisah la.. asal bukan time jpj sudah..

then i passed the car to Alina and Hanisah then Daniel..
they're new.. i meant.. they only had few classes before..
Alina lg la.. x pnh buat on track..
and our instructor ditch us alone in the car...
alone.. and counting on me to be the cikgu while he just observed from the little pondok..

at that time.. Daniel was driving the motorcycle , so only Alina and Hanisah were with me..

seriously.. mmg sangat seronok!! haha. the laughters, the screams, the tiang2 yg jatuh...

hahaha.. a moment that i'll remember.. hehehe

mmg sgt lucu..

alina is a funny girl.. she's Hanna's friend from seseri..

so we talked a lot.. i meant.. she talked a lot.. hehe. azrina said she's clumsy.. but wtver it is.. she would be a great buddy if u could really know her..

when the abg instructor tu suruh alina bwk kereta... all she said was

serius?? weh.. asal nie.. dah la die x ajar aku lg.. aku tak nak mati lagi... x nak....

bila buat bukit semua org nervous je.. alina's 1st time.. hehe..
so she did it!! yay!!

daniel also did it.. yay!!

but it was funny la...
when i said
now daniel lpas handbrake..

we all waited.. nothing happened...

amalina: dah.. clutch tu biar...tkan minyak lbih sikit.. then lpas handbrake...


amalina: daniel??? handbrake..
daniel: oh!!! yes.. handbrake?!?!?!

so die lpas handbrake after he was distracted... so kereta pun turun backwards..

semua org glak.. hehe..

haha.. mmg byk sgt distraction...

Alina tertinggal few step time parking.. while i was texting someone..

sedar2je kereta masuk dgn posisi yg agak x logik ..
sbb tertinggal step.. so i asked her.. semua step ikut nie?? and she said yup.. and bila tanye tol2 die kate tertinggal.. aha..

but lastly semua org success
yay!! its a happy ending...

wah.. im a good instructor then.. haha.. metro should pay me...

tonight i hve kumon interview... at last! a job that i'll like to do...
maths n teaching.. hhehehe

= ))

Saturday, January 31, 2009

a dare?

azrina,ishmah and i dared each other to wear baju kurung to precinct 8 coz we need to go to post office..
i said
"oh.. ala.. p8 je.. not like jumpa siapa2 yg kita knal pun...unlike alamanda.. almost semua kdai ada je yg knal..."

thanks to me..they changed the plan. Instead of going to Precinct 8, we're going to Alamanda instead.. with baju kurung.

haha.. i wont mind at all...serious..its a traditional costume what..only baju kurung not like we're going to wear something like jubah , it would be very hot then...and or bath robe... haha..

they should think of something creative.. haha...

home alone

this moment.. i am home alone..
honestly ... i cherish every moment when i'm all alone..
but.. now.. i really wish i have a company...farhanah said about her dreams..
it gave me some goosepimples.

Papa went to KLIA.have some work to do. he said some major emergency .
at night.until 1am.great... really great...

now that my Mama is not at home, she went to my aunt's house. My cousin had an operation. She had a benign tumor in her uterus. As big as an apple. Thank God it's benign. She's only 23. She used to get some consult from the gov hospital and they said it's very difficult to remove the tumor unless it they take out the whole uterus.

then she went to a private hospital and there's a doc said she can remove it with out take out the whole uterus.. and now.. she's in the hospital..recovering..

wah!!! i'm alone and i cant sleep.. help... no siblings at home.. no one..

i do enjoy myslef though when i'm all alone.. but not during the night!
im a coward!!!

there u go...
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