Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the almost accident?

i went to metro at subang or i should really say it situated at shah alam.. nvm la..

something happened when we're on our way there..
a kancil... penuh dgn students..
the man who drove us there wasnt the usual instructor...

i was sitting at the front passenger seat..bosan la.. 40mins dlm kereta.. so i was reading abook...
then boleh rasa la kereta cm lost control.. so tgk la.. serious!!!
almost hit the divider and other cars...
giler ke ape.. ofcoz la boleh lost control!!!
serious i was stunted and tergamam n speechless.. sume org cm tu.. but the man said.. oh tayar x cukup angin..

sume craps je.. my usual instructor, i called him abg azli..he doesnt seem that old.. so abg ar..
dia ckp.. mane ade x ckup angin..
so when we're training , me and this guy , hazwan from mmu ckp about the accident..
(btw we both nk amik jpj 2nd time tomorrow)

so i told abg azli "abg.. saya balik ngan abg la eh.. boleh eh.. please....??td.. trauma.. "

i said it along with a little puppy dog eyes.. haha..

so he said ok..

that hazwan pun ckp. "pakcik tu bawak same je mcm azizul( azli's bro) "lambat" gila.. mcm nk bunuh org.."
"saya td rasa takut je tau.. sume kluar.. saya x kawin lg.. jpj pun x pass lg......"

seriously. i thought i would be dead by now..
but then.. alhamdulillah la.. x de sape tercedera

u hve no idea how scared i am.. .
nearly dead.. thinking bout im not hving a chance to taubat and etc if im dead today..

but alhamdulillah.. kami diberi peluang..

so.. tomorrow im having my 2nd jpj.. going to wait for abg azli at 7.30pm..
i bet he'll be late.. haha..but nvm la..

syaheenaz did a cross-stitch ..just for me.. a special one hehehe...

die buat gmbr P.. the lmbg.. at first i tot its a bit funny .. it's so sweet of her!!!
nk tgkap gmbr but cant find my camera and n hp bengong.. sigh..
so hopefully i'll be getting a good jpj yg baik!!!
and let me pass... amin..

that's all for now..

1 star(s):

Anonymous said...

oh tayar x cukup angin?! hahahaha
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