Wednesday, November 11, 2009

a bad sleeping habit?

yeah.. u read the title, a bad sleeping habit.
i dont think i posted bout this one before.

I have a problem. Never had this one before. But yes I have a problem. and i got it after i entered UM.

not much. but still. I have to admit that i really dont take a nap. or should i say i never sleep during the day. especially evening . except when travelling ofcourse. who doesnt.

As soon as i've been admitted to University of Malaya, i begin to make new friends, roomate, floormates, tutorial mates, lecture mates or whatever you want to call it. and I have chemistry with them. chemistry. similarities.the same interest. think about the same think. as i said . Chemistry.

but there's one thing that i cant join them during the early weeks. NAP.
not that i dont take a nap at all. I do . only if i am really tired.

At first, we dont have any labs during evening. And I used that time to hang around. going up and down to my friends' room . but sadly , most of the door i knocked gave me no answer. they're asleep. entered thir own dreamworld and having a sweetdreams of their own.
Hence, I end up with the books. haha.. of course its a good thing to study right?
but i dont have the mood much during evening.
the evening atmosphere just make me in the hyper mood instead of studying. so i spent my time with my lappy

anyway.. as time goes by, i tend to somehow infected with this disease. Thanks to my roomie i guess. Watching her sleeping makes me want to enter my dreamland too. and I will ACCIDENTLY asleep.
Sleeping is contagious. VERY contagious.

the fact that i dont sleep during the afternoon of evening is because this will lead me to accidently sleep early at night. YES. instead of staying up, i went to bed early . I dont know why.
Perhaps I'm a freak? Having a completely weird body system. this will also happen if i take caffein .

Oh yeah . other than goint to bed earlier than I am suppose to, when I wake up from the nap?
I'll go whack! and i'll lost track of time .
one f the situation was i woke up and became gelabah yang amat
i didnt look at my handphones because both of it were out of my reach.
so i looked at my clock. clearly, my vision was blurred. without my glasses or contacts, im nearly blind.
not that i cant tell the time. i still can see the hands of the clock were at which number. but that particular day , i was mistaken by the hours and the minutes. and woke up, like this

" what time is it? oh.. its 8.20am....8.20!!!!! OMG. EXAM STARTS AT 9!!!!!"
yes. this happened during the final exam week. then, i tried to wake my roomate syira . i thought about it, not only i didnt take my shower yet, i also didnt iron my clothes, and it will take few mins to be at the examination hall from the college.

i screamed at her. asking to be awake but hopeless. She gave me no response. this is one of our similarities as roomates. BTW, she was my classmate when we're in primary school.
oh yea. no response. the similarity? i find it difficult to wake her up in the evening but easy to wake her in the morning. and she finds it difficult . really DIFFICULT to wake me up if i slept early at night .

we shall continue. screaming at her asking to be awake. but no response. and it took me seconds to realize that it wasnt 8.20 am but it was 3.40pm. Thanks to Syira because she wore baju kurung while had a nap. I finally realized. I felt relief and haha.. back to sleep.

It happens so many time. I always mistaken the time . everytime i wake up , my head will think about morning. and this is why i dont take naps.

i admit. i do wake up late sometimes. but . paling lambat it would be 11. but not after 12pm.

other than that, if i went to bed early at night, and ask my friend to wake me up.
no one can do so.
NO ONE . they can try, but so far. only 1 person succeed and made me awake.
Su, the tentacles.

i remember my neighbour Zadora went into my room with hanger . trying to fright me . haha. no use. i only said "yes2, i will"

and Mai once went into the room and screamed out my name out loud " MELLY!! BANGUN!"
and all i said was " what?" and she said sorry and went out of the room. sometimes, i cant even recall if i said something or if my friends had wake me up. I'll tend to ask them why didnt they wake me up. and they said
" mcm gile je aku ckp sorang2, kau bangun. buka mata, then baring balik"

Syira said Azema told her I claimed my handphone to be Syira's when it rang the time I was asleep. funny that i dont remmber at all.

Syira and me have the same Nokia 5300. and both of us have two phones too.
" melly, bangun .tu handphone kau yang berbunyi kan?"
" tak2, to handphone Syira" i said.
it was clearly mine. and it was beside my pillow.
" eh? tak la.. tu kau punye kan.."
Syira was not in the room . and azema came to take something. and
i said " tak.... Syira punye. "

haha.. silly me. they always laugh when i talking when im asleep.

during the exams i accidently asleep while studying. Syira tried to wake me up. but she said , i said " tak nak.. tau tak bosan? bosan2. and i am tired of this. bukan masuk pun...." and i continue mumbling again2 unconciously.

haha.. anyway. i am not the only one who sleeptalking. my roomie and neighbour talks in their sleep too. haha.. funny. but i dont have to tell about it here.

this is serious problem. hahaha. and i really hope it will end.

that's all now.

ps: im sorry sbb sukar utk dikejut. and tq. =)

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