Thursday, May 21, 2009


yesterday and the day before that were very tiring.
i end up on bed all day. except yesterday.. i was a little bit unwell around morning i think.

tidak sihat. lost track of time.

yes. sangat menyakitkan. its all start with a heartburn.

i went to klinik kesihatan putrajaya on the 18th of May to do my medical check up.

its 2 pm ++.. doctor tu sungguh lambat. baru lunch kan.then, she went in. tunggu 2-3 orang msuk. and then , after hassan it's my turn.. went in. all check ups completed. i asked a few questions about heartburn.

done my research before. so i told her bout the pain in my chest. and yes indeed it was a heartburn.
heartburn it not a heart disease though. you can google it.

its something to do woth our digetive system or so. something related to gastrisitis. Hence, she gave me the medicine for the pain. its the same meds as gastrisitis' . called magnesium trisilicate.

urgh..!!! its liquid!!!!!
honestly. i can never stand any liquid medicine. i prefer tablets. why doctor why??

not that im a baby and cannot swallow tablets or pills. I am a big girl now.

so wtv. after all the check ups finished and settled. i went home.

oh yes!! poor syakila!!!her x-rays showed that her back bone around the something vertebrae.. sumthing.. ( damn it. i cant remember the name.. haha.. lupa de. nasib la.i gave up about knowing things since my bio is b[psychological effect])

and yes.. her bone.. in length of a fist. bengkok!

The doctor said that she needs to go for a surgery before things get even worse.
poor sya.


so. went to bank islam to settle my bank accounts etc. blablabla. went home and eat.

felt the mild heartburn. so i drank the mg trisilicate. and it felt better!

and it doesnt taste too bad. hooray hooray!!


the next day. grrr.. awww..



Never.. NEVER in my whole 17 and half years of life ever... never had gastrisitis or so called gastric.. NEVER!

all day i stayed in bed. ok i lied. half of the day?
later i went to shah alam. thinking that i am strong enough o deal with this little tummyache.
sure i managed to stand and walk to the car.

had lunch. drank some mg trisilicate some more. and no pain.

went to my sister's house.

then a little rest .and after zohor prayers. planned to go to sacc or alam sentral or even pkns perhaps. want to find some things .

and it started again!!!

its very painful! as i said i never had a gastrisitis before!

and then.. went to bathroom.. awww...

dah.. penat-penat mengunyah and dipaksa makan lunch , habis sia-sia sahaja.. kerana semua keluar balik tanpa nutrien-nutriennya diserap.

vomitted. ewwwww

aaaa. sungguh tak larat.
hampeh sungguh.. penat dan hancur plan2 ku semua kerana tidak kularat untuk berjalan.

19 may- hari baringku. hari penatku. hari tanpa energy. kerana tubuhku tidak dapat terima semua makanan yg masuk. semua di reject. termasuk la air sirap.. penat je bancuh.

20 may- ok sikit. felt a lot better. still a little pain in my tummy . but i can walk atleast . went to alamanda to find all the sabun and stuffs.

i wont eat/ drink the magnesium trisilicate again.. neverrrrr

today. went to school to certified all my documents before send to UM. then tabung haji called.
that Mr. Asman asked for a copy of my SPM result. he said i'll be getting something .hehe. so off to Anjung and gave it to him.

then off to shah alam .
driving a car with road tax yg da mati . cool huh?
bagus mama bagus!
desperate! haha

tak perasan pun da mati sebenarnya. pnh sekali, road tax tu.. da berbulan mati lame nya.. baru prasan.

and yet merata da kereta tu jalan..hahaha

oh yes. off to shah alam. went to sacc, and pejabat hasil dlam plaza peransang, went to komplex pkns and settled!!!

bought our old time fav goreng pisang and went to my sis's house to watch aqso and madina b4 balik rumah...

i miss shah alam soo much??

but i like putrajaya's environment. huhu

oh. had to go to the optho again.. spect jatuh!!! huhu...

poor spect yg tersayang ngapa kah?

i tought i saw one of fana's friend at sacc.fauliyana i think.or tersalah tgk? time tu nk cpt x beberapa perasan pun nvm then..

tick tock.. bape hari je tgl. huhuhuu..

that's all..


2 star(s):

Farhanah Izani said...

kesian nye la kau.
and also, syakila asl smpi mcm tu?
kesian gle weh..
anyway, hope u get real well soon.
psl fauliyana tu, well, aku pn x tau la kan =P

sns said...

i knw wat it feels like! hehe...but mmg ubat cair tu is the best for gastric. neways, have fun at UM. study hard. :)