Wednesday, February 4, 2009

roller coasters

oh... yup it wasnt a good dare though.. they went to alam.. not even with baju kurung..
i didnt follow them..malas.. and my driving instrutor asked me to bertapa di rumah as tomorrow is my jpj test!!! gaah!!! i really hope i'll pass... amin

yesterday was my last driving class astomorrow will be my jpj..
honestly.. it was the best ever!!
it was from 9am- 6pm.. very tiring...but it was fun!!!
after that i went to the lake club to clear my mind .. swimming.. =)

the last class was.. welll like a roller coasters.
i dont want to say that my driving is totally good or wtver la kan.. cause it's not.. but i dont think i suck too.. i mean.. it's ok.. all my driving buddy said its ok..

boleh pass nyer...
that's what they said la..

1st... we drive thru the jalan 3.. hanisah 1st then me..
there were my new buddies named Alina who lives at p10 and Daniel from p9..
we talked a lot.. haha.. in the morning.. we're very quiet and shy.. after i nearly gave everyone a heart attack...

haha.. it was at the hill. i guess i was distracted.. haha.. whatever i did ... it made thecar jumped and drove backward..

seriously everyone in the car screamed!! like riding on the roller coasters.. and then we laughed out loud..hehe

i never .. never suck at the hill before..
haha .. x kisah la.. asal bukan time jpj sudah..

then i passed the car to Alina and Hanisah then Daniel..
they're new.. i meant.. they only had few classes before..
Alina lg la.. x pnh buat on track..
and our instructor ditch us alone in the car...
alone.. and counting on me to be the cikgu while he just observed from the little pondok..

at that time.. Daniel was driving the motorcycle , so only Alina and Hanisah were with me..

seriously.. mmg sangat seronok!! haha. the laughters, the screams, the tiang2 yg jatuh...

hahaha.. a moment that i'll remember.. hehehe

mmg sgt lucu..

alina is a funny girl.. she's Hanna's friend from seseri..

so we talked a lot.. i meant.. she talked a lot.. hehe. azrina said she's clumsy.. but wtver it is.. she would be a great buddy if u could really know her..

when the abg instructor tu suruh alina bwk kereta... all she said was

serius?? weh.. asal nie.. dah la die x ajar aku lg.. aku tak nak mati lagi... x nak....

bila buat bukit semua org nervous je.. alina's 1st time.. hehe..
so she did it!! yay!!

daniel also did it.. yay!!

but it was funny la...
when i said
now daniel lpas handbrake..

we all waited.. nothing happened...

amalina: dah.. clutch tu biar...tkan minyak lbih sikit.. then lpas handbrake...


amalina: daniel??? handbrake..
daniel: oh!!! yes.. handbrake?!?!?!

so die lpas handbrake after he was distracted... so kereta pun turun backwards..

semua org glak.. hehe..

haha.. mmg byk sgt distraction...

Alina tertinggal few step time parking.. while i was texting someone..

sedar2je kereta masuk dgn posisi yg agak x logik ..
sbb tertinggal step.. so i asked her.. semua step ikut nie?? and she said yup.. and bila tanye tol2 die kate tertinggal.. aha..

but lastly semua org success
yay!! its a happy ending...

wah.. im a good instructor then.. haha.. metro should pay me...

tonight i hve kumon interview... at last! a job that i'll like to do...
maths n teaching.. hhehehe

= ))

1 star(s):

Farhanah Izani said...

lawak jer
best nye kau dh nak jpj test : (
msti pass pnye!!!
good luck and all the best : )