Sunday, April 22, 2012

gema tanjung ku :)

Wait. When was my last post again? 2010??? -.-''
that was like 2 years ago.

A LOT of important events of my life had happened from back then till now. a lot.
It’s almost the end of my 2nd year as Future Physicist. Yup. That’s right. Im taking Bsc Physics in University of Malaya. Why physics? No. Not going to talk about it in this entry . Perhaps, next entry. Maybe 

Anyway, as I mentioned above, a LOT of things had happened.
Surprisingly, from being the quiet one during primary school, and the less outstanding one during high school, from passive kid back then, now, I joined a lot of college activities. Surprisingly. YES surprisingly.
The one that gave the most impact on my life is KELAB KOMPANG. GEMA TANJUNG KOMPANG CLUB.

Yup2. Kompang. Honestly, all my best friends laughed at me. They said that the Amalina they’ve known would’nt join this type of activities. I wasn’t that ‘berseni’ as I said before, I was passive. Very passive. Even Mama was surprised.

At first, I wasn’t that interested to join the club anyway, but one of the club member (Athira) asked me to accompany her.Then I pulled some other girls too (Mimi and Fizha Tamin). Hence, I was pulled to join too. From nawaitu only to accompany her, then, I became one of the GT family members.
Ok penat. Tukar bahasa.

Memang, jujur dari isi hati pada awalnya memang tak nak masuk, malas pergi training, kalau pergi pun tension.
Sebab , I didn’t think that kompang is a part of music. There’s no ‘do re mi’ in it. There were only beats. Upper part of kompang ,sounds ’Tak’ and lower part of kompang that sounds like ‘doom’. The first few weeks of introductory sessions of the art of kompang was ‘doom’ indeed. Tak dapat. Blur. Bunyi salah, pukul salah, salah beat. Semua pun salah. I felt like giving up. But yes, the learning process is way more important.
Anywho,Why did I feel like that? I’ve learnt music since primary school. Do Re Mi, all the notes, the octaves, the melody , and the rhythm. Those were the reasons why I felt as if kompang is not a music. I played violin for 6years and few years on the piano. Kompang is way different than both of the instrument. After a while, I find that the beats are important. Such as drum,the beats of the drum that makes the musics sounds alive and catchy.
Hence, so did kompang. Although there’re only ‘tak’ and ‘doom’, but we need to be creative and make an arrangement of of various types of pukulan. There’s melalu, meningkah and melanak, bunga, melanak bertih and etc. bila hebat menyusun and pukul, maka tercipta lah satu pukulan yang mantap untuk didengar. Otherwise, kalau tak Berjaya, bunyi dia akan buat orang merungut serta maki. Sebab instead of music or sound, you would be producing noise with frequencies that would hurt other people’s eardrums.

heee gambar kat melaka... :)

GT feseni 2012 :)

Honestly, there’s been so many times that I swear I want to stop playing and back off. But all the members were like a family . Everyone of them. Even the senior and super seniors. Memang dah rapat sangat sampai buat kita berat hati nak tinggalkan. Plus, bila masuk second year they elected me as timbalan pengurus 2. -.-'' pandai betul. and also i got anugerah Kesenian Harapan. Which i don't think i even deserve it.

1st year, Kem FESENI memang sangat tension. Bayangkan pukul, sambil nyanyi/selawat dan sambil bergerak-gerak untuk jadikan formasi. Serious susah. Memerlukan satu kawalan otak yang sangat tinggi sebab kita nak set tangan, kaki and mulut buat benda yang berbeza. Salah setting mmg terabur lah jadinya.Kem feseni 1st year was a bit sad sebab the one and only granddad had passed away. Alfatihah. Sedih sebab tak dapat bersama-sama waktu saat terakhir Apakan Daya , ajal dah termaktub pada hari tersebut.

Oleh itu, byk juga tertinggal. Dan serabut. Tapi Lama kelamaan semua dah sebati. Boleh buat.dgn pertolongan semua kawan-kawan :) Pratice indeed makes perfect. Dah practice kena lah have faith and tawakal to ALLAH untuk FESENI . and Alhamdulillah, 1st year merasa Naib Johan.

Bila masuk 2nd year, it was about time to upgrade from melalu to meningkah. Time kem mmg terasa tawar hati. Nak give up. Reasons? No comment. Pelbagai benda bermain di fikiran mungkin. Tambahan masalah kat rumah. Dengan meningkah tak masuk. Confidence level dropped drastically. Plus, there is selection for those who really could join feseni for the session. What I thought were,
Why would I play if I know I wouldn’t be selected?, why would I be here if I won’t play for feseni?
I would be better off doing my reports and such.

Too much negative thoughts huh? Yes. I know. As mentioned before, emosi tak stabil kerana banyak sangat isu yang memakan diri.

Haha.. anyway I survived and and and… all of it were paid off as we WON 1st PLACE for feseni 2012 :D . Alhamdulillah syukur. Tak sia-sia berlatih sampai budak kolej bising-bising. Though agak sedih sebab orang yang kuharap dapat hadirkan diri untuk memberi sokongan tak ada. Tak pa lah. Komitmen dia lebih penting. Tp Alhamdulillah. Berkat doa dia dari jauh dikabulkan ALLAH.
Okay kelihatan post ini sangat panjang lebar. So let’s summarise everything
WHY KOMPANG /GEMA TANJUNG IS AWESOME <3 •Bila masuk dapat pahala.. sebab what you’ll do is selawat banyak- banyak :) •You’ll figure out that you’re way awesome than the other seni people. Bukan riak. But why? -We sing and selawat with different pitch and dynamics (choir & nasyid) -We have formation several steps (tarian, boria) - They sound/music of kompang itself. Different combined pukulan (acoustics, dikir barat) -Berjemur di panas with costumes is cool. Macam bersenam. (Technically, we’re athelete also :P) ha.. as if we entered all categories of feseni ait ? heee •The most important one is the ukhwah and friendship you’ll get. Mahal tu.Setiap warga GT mempunyai personality yang berbeza , dan itu yang membuatkan kami special  Friendships between the group members are so close. Honestly I think my college life would be dead if I didn’t joined GEMA TANJUNG. :) -I won’t be that close to Mimi , Thira and Rabi if it wasn’t because of GT. Fizha exceptional cause we’re coursemates. - I won’t even know Mira, Ejan, Khai, Syuk, Hakim, Mad, Wang,Zaheer and the seniors if I didn’t. -And I’m certain that I won’t even join to be part of Pembantu Mahasiswa if it wasn’t because of GT. Hence, I won’t even know the juniors too i.e nonie, jibah, mek, siha, nass, ana, hasan, epa,zahidah and amir ^^ - Hence, 150% sure that my degree life would be duller without GT and PM . Thank you Allah for leading me to this path. :) • AND KOMPANG is the MOST ROMANTIC INSTRUMENT OF ALL!!!!! Otherwise people won’t play it every time in wedding ceremony right :DD

I’ll stop here. Last but not least. Semoga persahabatan kita kekal buat selama-lamanya  sesungguhnya persahabatan kita sangat berharga ^^
and what's important is the nawaitu kita bila buat setiap perkara. lillahiTaala :)

saya sayang gema tanjung :) <3

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