Friday, December 26, 2008


its a day after christmas..
not like i celebrate it anyway...
yasterday... i spent my all day at home watching tv. honestly.. i like watching christmas movies.. its fun too watch..hehe..

last tuesday i had my driving lesson with hanisah. haha.. its was fun! i managed to go down the hill without any difficulties! yay me! atleast the car didnt jerk.. or patah balik dr bukit.. heart was screamed to death when the car was reversed when hanisah drived it..i cant describe it.. really.. scary

i did get my L means i'll be getting my P soon!!may be around twenties of jan.
i keep begging my Mama to let me drive at home .. although i dont hve my P yet.. i dont really care though..i want to! haha..
but Mama wont let me.. patience...patience amalina.. few more days only..

2008 is almost over.. i cant believe it.. it seems just like yesterday was the 1st day i started my 2008 school session..
time goes by like a blink of an eye huh..

nowadays almost everyday i went to alamanda..
though its a lil bit boring.. i think i can enter and name the every shop with my eyes closed...
what can i do.. im broke! haha..
everyone keep asking me" kau x keje ke?"
yes ofcourse im broke and need some money.. but working? err...
people still thought that im 15 years old or less... and they asked me about working?
hahaha...maybe later...
i want money but i dont want to work.any idea anyone?
rob the bank? lol..
Aliff gave me an idea about cheating if i do going to work.. ask someone to punch the card while i go around and have fun..ha ha.. thanks a lot aliff... im a good girl

i want money!! and my atm cards are with my parents.. im not allowed to withdraw and they dont want to give me any.. yet.. they said i spend too much..

hey.. im not THAT shopaholic.. atleast not like rebecca bloomwood from the shopaholic series...
am i?

i blame my sisters for teaching me to be a shopaholic person.. yes.. thanks a i have financial probs.. hahaha

sigh...i need

huhu lter

1 star(s):

Anonymous said...

me too need cash, fast! haha
i'm thinking about finding a job
but maybe i hv to wait afta i got my license.
i'm looking for my first driving lesson! wee