Friday, March 20, 2009


wah.. lama sungguh saya x tulis blog ni..

lets recap
12/2-jpj...i passed yay

20/2-dpt my P license.

23/2- ditahan polis.. lol..the 3rd day after i got my license.. great.. x disaman.. nasib baik.. kalau x.. aiyo..melayang lesen aku.
reason ditahan.. unexceptable..bukan nye ade sign x leh u-turn pun..siot nye polis

aliff said "u're the only one yg pnh kene thn.. "

greatttt ..

28/2- a little gathering.. it went well.. it was merry . but it would be merrier if ramai yg dtg..

8-11 march- cuti2 malaysia..
serius.. a little break before getting the spm result i guess.. haha.. went to langkawi and stop all the way there..

12 march- THE BIG DAY
went to school around 9.45am... and .. received it around 11??
i was the 1st person to take it.
and it was...........
exceptable result.. ok la. alhamdulillah.. obviously i ddnt get 20a's haha.. im not that genius.
i guess it was ok...

not that i want to show off kebnde ke.. but i was glad that i got even better result than certain yg skola asrama..

but.. still.. i deserve it.. i was very playful anyway.. tgk tv sentiasa .. x hbiskn homework.. hahaha.. sorry teachers..

pape pun.. ok laa.. ^^ not straight but good enough i think.

next step. college..
serius pning.. aaaaa
i dont know!!!!

most of people said: amikla medic. kau nk ambil engineering or something else? aku x leh byg....
mama said: jgn ambil law. med nk ke? but..ikut suka la..
papa said: amik engineering.

im dead..
i think i'll follow sho to commit suicide.. jom sho.. kite terjun ..